On 4 January in New Delhi, NTPC was awarded ‘Best Performing Utility of the Country in Thermal Power Sector’ by Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP). Shri RK Singh, Hon. Union Minister of State I/C for Power and New & Renewable Energy, presented the award to Shri Gurdeep Singh, CMD, NTPC. The 2,000th coal rake from NTPC-Pakri Barwadih flagged off on 12 January. Shri AK Bhalla, Secretary, Power, inaugurated the Techno Galaxy Exhibition at IPS-2019 in Raipur. Shri Gurdeep Singh, CMD, NTPC, was also present. The exhibition showcased technologies and products by 42 Indian and international manufacturers. Achieved 6.81 MMT of coal production from Pakri-Barwadih. Production had crossed the mine plan target. The mine started coal production from 1 April 2019.