For the construction of Singrauli, Vindhyachal and Rihand, a total of 13866 acres of land have been acquired over time. The details of land and PAPs for Stage-I and Stage –II are given below in the table.
SN | Project | Project Affected Families / Persons | Land Acquired (in acres) | ||
Pvt.Land | Govt. Land / Forest/Submergence Land / Others | Total | |||
1 | Singrauli | 1755 | 2313 | 2440 | 4753 |
2 | Vindhyachal | 3456 | 4177 | 1951 | 6128 |
3 | Rihand | 1313 | 1934 | 1051 | 2985 |
Total | 6524 | 8424 | 5442 | 13866 |
Prior to 1993, there was no comprehensive policy either from the States or Central Government on R&R. The R&R Policy was formulated only in 1993, following which the land came under the supervision of the World Bank. This did not deter the NTPC from conceiving its own customized guidelines in 1980 and R&R activities were implemented in the project till 1993 based on these path breaking guidelines. This land though was acquired in 1986 (before 1993) but not vacated till 1993 at the time of negotiation of the WB loan. This had happened as NTPC had allowed tilling of the lands on humanitarian grounds, as the lands were not immediately required in 1986 at the time of acquisition. This is notionally denoted as Stage-II. A total of 2071 acres of land was acquired and 1334 PAPs were affected and due compensation was paid.
Details of Land and nos. of PAPs of Stage-II
SN | Project | Project Affected Families / Persons | Land Acquired (in acres) | PAPs | ||
Pvt.Land | Govt. Land / Submergence Land | Total | Nos. of PAPs | |||
1 | Vindhyachal | Amratali, Chudchudia, Judi, Uska, Deorikala, Kathuar, Shahpur(Part) | 701 | 706 | 1407 | 1152 |
2 | Rihand | Mitihini Khairi | 158 | 506 | 664 | 182 |
Total | 859 | 1212 | 2071 | 1334 |