Stakeholder engagement at NTPC is an ongoing process wherein the company interacts with its stakeholders at different levels to understand and address their expectations and collaborates with them for creating shared value. NTPC has built a constructive relationship with all its stakeholders since more than 4 decades of existence based on mutual trust , transparency, ethics and accountability. The continuous two-way dialogue process with stakeholders along with their feedbacks on various issues concerning the company’s operations has enabled us to establish sustainable relationships with the stakeholders as well as ensured the company’s growth and achievements.
NTPC has a structured stakeholder management mechanism in place at all establishments. A 4 step model as outlined below is key to our successful stakeholder management process.

a) Identification of Stakeholders
With a pre-defined periodicity, brainstorming sessions are conducted at 3 levels: project/stations, regional headquarters and corporate functions. These sessions involve across functional leadership team comprising Head of the projects(HoPs), Head of the departments(HoDs) & Sectional Heads etc. For identification of stakeholders, all the stakeholders are first listed down, without any screening criteria based on their interest in NTPC in the current scenario & probability of gaining interest in the future as well.
Theses stakeholders are clubbed under the nine broad categories of:

b) Selection of Stakeholders
After developing the first list of stakeholders, further analysis is done based on the following attributes to furtherdetermine which stakeholders are most useful to engage with.

c) Priortization of Stakeholders
The final list of stakeholders is then prioritised using a power - interest matrix to devise the corresponding engagementstrategies.

d) Framing of Engagement Strategy
A detailed engagement process is created with information about frequency, agenda, touch points, analysis, review etc. forconcerned stakeholders. Interfacing functions/ departments are designated as the owners of theconcerned engagement process and have the responsibility of ensuring end to end coverage. They are also entrusted withidentifying and addressing the critical concerns. The issues/ concerns raised by various stakeholders during theengagement process along with the Company’s response towards these issues are presented in the Integrated Report.