Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings – 2010.

The award was received on behalf of NTPC by Shri N. K. Sharma, ED(CP) and Shri A. K. Gupta, GM(BD) on 2nd November, 2010 in Singapore.

NTPC Ltd earned a ranking of 52 on overall global performance. NTPC Limited ranked No. 1 in Independent Power Producer & Energy Traders in Asia. 10th in overall performance in Asia. 2nd Independent Power Producers and Energy Traders globally. The company rankings are derived using a special Platts formula adding each company's numerical ranking for asset worth, revenues, profits, and ROIC and assigned a rank of 1 to the company with the lowest total, 2 to the company with the second-lowest total, and so on. Earnings per share figures were not included in the ranking calculation because some companies are privately held.

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