
Fuel Cell Exhaust Recovery System

Fuel Cell Exhaust Recovery System

Fuel Cell exhaust recovery system can help in optimization of the water requirements in a fuel cell based microgrid. The system consists of an aircooled condenser coupled with a fuel cell. 




Hydrogen generation through electrolysis consumes significant amount of water. Considering the challenges of availability of such huge quantity of fresh water, there isa need to optimize the water consumption by the electrolysers. As a part of this optimization, collection of fuel cell exhaust, which is the form of water vapors (and gases) has been planned by using an air-cooled condenser designed for handling such exhaust. This innovative solution shall help in reduction of overall water consumption in the fuel-cell microgrid applications.

Brief About the Technology/Works being carried out

The PEM fuel cell exhaust of the Pilot AEM Hydrogen generation plant at NTPC Dadri is being passed through an Air-Cooled Condenser. The condensate is then pumped to the raw water tank of the Hydrogen generation system considerably reducing the requirement of raw water for hydrogen production. Possible of recirculating the water directly to DM tank is also being explored. Patent has been filed for this innovative solution.

Benefits of the Innovative Solution

The innovative solution shall help in overall net reduction in water consumption in fuel cell based microgrid applications.

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