The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is an alliance of various countries initiated by India, which lie either completely or partly between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
NTPC has been endorsed by ISA as its Project Management Consultant (PMC) for the implementation of Solar Parks/Projects in ISA Member countries. Under the PMC assignment, NTPC shall carry out project preparation exercise including undertaking site studies, conducting legal due diligence of the regulatory framework of the countries, and finalizing transaction documents, which shall be then followed by selection of a developer through tariff based International Competitive Bidding process.
Implementation of Solar Parks and Projects in ISA Member Countries- ISA Program 06
NTPC has a mandate to implement solar parks and projects totalling 10,000 MW in ISA member countries. Under this engagement, NTPC is currently executing consultancy assignments of the order of 6620 MW in 13 different African and Latin American (LA) countries, out of which 2870 MW Projects are to be executed in Africa and the remaining 3750 MW in LA. The PMC assignments are at various stages of execution.
NTPC is advising respective Governments and is providing PMC services for implementation of folloiwng Solar projects:
Solar park projects under ISA Program 06
- Togo - 250 MW Solar Park
- Mali - 500 MW Solar Park
- Malawi - 100 MW Solar Park
- Cuba - 1150 MW Solar Park
- Niger - 50 MW Solar Park
- Paraguay - 500 MW Solar Park
- Ethiopia - 400 MW Solar Park + 10 MW FSPV
- Venezuela – 2000 MW Solar Park
- Nicaragua – 100 MW Solar Park
- Guinea – 100 MW Solar Park
- Guinea Bissau – 60 MW Solar park
- DR Congo – 1000 MW Solar Park
- Zambia – 400 MW Solar Park
- ISA Link:For more details.
PMC Services for implementation of Solarisation Projects in 21 ISA member countries-ISA 27 Program
ISA is providing technical and financial support to its LDCs (Least Developed Countries) and SIDS (Small Island Developing States) member countries for innovative Solar pilot project. NTPC has been endorsed by ISA to act as Project management consultant (PMC) for implementation of these solar pilot projects in 21 LDCs and SIDS across following three themes:
- ISA CARES Initiative;
- ISA Solar Water Pumping Systems (SWPS);
- ISA Solar Cold Storage Initiative;
NTPC support includes:
- Detailed project report preparation as per theme chosen by member countries in 21 countries: Detailed Project Report preparation for Governments of Senegal, Fiji, Comoros, Kiribati, Ethiopia, Togo, Burundi, Seychelles, Sudan, Djibouti, Uganda, Mali, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Suriname, Cuba, Benin, Mauritius, Mozambique, Guyana, and Gambia.
- Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services for project implementation in 11 countries: PMC services are being provided to Seychelles, Senegal, Sudan, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Burundi, Malawi, Uganda, Suriname, Cuba, and Mozambique

PMC Services for implementation of Solar Roof Top pilot Projects in Ethiopia and Sao Tome and Principe - ISA Program 04
NTPC is also providing end to end advisory service for the development of 100 kW Solar Roof Top Pilot Projects each in Ethiopia and Sao Tome and Principe. ISA Grant covers NTPC's advisory fees, reimbursables and CAPEX for the Project.
Engagement with MDBs for ISA Program-06
To enhance project attractiveness, NTPC and ISA have signed a trilateral Letter of Intent (LOI) with AfDB for a programmatic tie-up. The cooperation envisages engaging with Governments in Africa to prepare, structure and develop bankable transaction documents and mobilize a suite of financing options for Projects including concessional finance, stapled finance and other credit enhancement solutions.